Divorce is a difficult process to navigate regardless of your mental health. Divorcing a narcissist in Washington makes child custody issues difficult to handle. Parents affected by Narcissist Personality Disorder will project their issues onto their children after divorce.
Think About a Safe Adult
Being married to a narcissist leaves no hope of an amicable divorce. From the outset, you need to be aware of the potential problems your children face spending time with their narcissistic parent. A safe adult is a person with no bias toward either parent who agrees to be responsible for a child’s wellbeing. At those times when the toll of handling a narcissistic parent gets too much, your child can contact their safe adult for help. Including a safe adult in a family law agreement will benefit your children.
Boundaries After Divorce
A relationship with a narcissist is draining because they fail to understand boundaries. You will need to develop a list of boundaries to protect your family when the divorce is complete. Having the family court sign off on the list of boundaries will set them in stone and limit the potential for problems further down the line.
Teach Boundary-Setting Phrases
Setting boundaries is part of protecting yourself and your children from a narcissist. Helpful phrases express love for the parent before asking to talk to a safe adult. Helpful phrases will make it easier for your children to remove themselves from difficult situations.
Divorce and child custody issues with a narcissist are difficult to navigate. Protecting your children from a parent with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is best done at home and in family court. Court orders set visitation periods the family has to adhere to.