Whenever a teenager in Washington state is arrested on drug charges, his or her parents would likely do whatever they can to prevent a conviction and the adverse impact it could have on their child’s future. Securing skilled criminal defense is the first and most crucial step to take. A 17-year-old former high school student was arrested on drug charges on a recent Thursday.
Reportedly, after surveillance of a home opposite the Wenatchee High School, investigators suspected the sale of drugs to numerous school-age teens who came and went during school hours. The arrest was made after a drug task force executed a search warrant that they say yielded narcotics, marijuana, cocaine, THC vape cartridges and oil concentrates, and various pills. The merchandise was allegedly all lined up for sale inside a front window of the house.
Two schools were placed into lockdown during the search and seizure operations. Authorities say this is the second residence in the area close to this school from which drugs were being sold to students. The teen now faces several drug charges, including unlawful controlled substance possession with the intent to distribute. Further charges may follow.
Being convicted of such serious charges at the age of only 17 can ruin any teenager’s life. Securing the services of an experienced Washington criminal defense attorney can ensure that the defendant’s legal rights are protected from the onset, and the lawyer can advocate for the juvenile throughout ensuing legal proceedings. In cases where the prosecution evidence appears formidable, legal counsel might be able to negotiate a plea agreement focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment.